Tuesday, April 15, 2008


You made me free
From the burdens of life
You made me think
About the follies of life

You are a helping hand
You are a soothing Dream
You are a play full mate
You are a golden bough

You fascinate me
You console me
You keep myself
Close to Your heart

You gave me your smile
And take away my sorrows
You hold my hand
Scattered roses on my paths...

I m happy
wen u are there
i m sad
wen u leave me...

Are you a dream?
are u an illusion
Oh!my friend of loneliness
i want you to be my reality!


Blogger Sapna Anu B.George said...

you are always an illusion and i am reality.........great lines Seema

August 11, 2008 at 8:32 PM  

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